
Scufita Rosie 9 1

Little Red Riding Hood

The little red riding hood represents for me more than a famous story for children. It is actually a metaphor about the passing through this unpredictable life, about how we grow up and evolve with beautiful or sometimes terrible experiences. I wanted to create a performance which can emotionally touch the maturity of the child and the childhood of the adult. A poetic play, full of humour and significance. A Little red riding hood of our hectic and unpredictable times, in which the only alternative is the escape from reality…sometimes in stories.” Felix Alexa, director

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Tigrisorul 1

Peter, The Little Tiger

A tiger who`s afraid of anything: noises, thunders, clouds, dust, etc. His mother along with other tigers, decided to show him what fear truly means, and what you have to do to become brave. Different situations are being created, and a lot of characters appear to put Peter in situations with a happy end. Helped by imagination, he starts a journey which is going to change him. A story full of sensibility, a funny text, hilarious situations, long string marionettes remind us of the fascinating animation universe and teach us to be brave.

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Tom Degetel 14 1

Tom Thumb

A little boy not too tall that a finger, donated by a wizard to a poor family which wanted very much a child. After a lot of tricks and misunderstandings, Tom arrives at the royal court, gains the admiration of the good king. The performance is very entertaining using the black light laser techniques creating splendid images.

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Parasutistii 3 1

The Paratroopers

An almost empty stage, with a cube in the center of it and a frame which symbolizes a whole universe. Two pannels will cach life and two actors. The show is a metaphor „drawn” by steady lines about the art of falling, the abilities to fly and the capacity of humans to overcome the dificulties of life, about the importance to have a supportive friend. The play invetigates the problem of gravity a it’s force involved in the daily life, the illusions and dissapointments of human beings. The communication with the public is direct, with simple means, through dance, movement, music, clownery and a little acrobatisc, like a child play with a lot of humor. The message ist o overcome the obstacles of life to be able to reach our dreams, to meet new people, to have friends, to know when to say goodbye and to help people in need.

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The Little Prince

The character of an immortal and most beloved story, the Little Prince is nowadays a legendary hero, symbol of a generous and responsible humanity which brings a message of hope and brotherhood. The story of the Little Prince, a blond boy with pure heart is told by a pilot who crashed in the Sahara desert. The Little Prince lives on an asteroid and decides to leave it and explore the world. He is convinced to leave by his beloved rose and whose vanity disappointed him. The Earth is the seventh planet he reaches, after meeting with various characters which illustrate a human defect or vice. He meets a snake, a fox and other flowers very similar to his flower. From each one he learned something in the same way that those who come in contact with him and his way of seeing things have something to learn, starting with the pilot and ending with us, the readers. At the end, the little Prince wants to return on his asteroid, but the only way is death, helped by the snake he falls to the ground without uttering a word. The little Prince a philosophical book and brings into question essential questions as friendship, love, death, time, reality presented in a formula for children combining video projection, acting and manipulation.

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muzicantii din bremen andrei gindac 1

The Town Musicians of Bremen

In the story a donkey, a dog, a cat, and a rooster, all past their prime years in life and usefulness on their respective farms, were soon to be discarded or mistreated by their masters. One by one they leave their homes and set out together. They decide to go to Bremen, known for its freedom, to live without owners and become musicians there. (“Something better than death we can find anywhere.”. On the way to Bremen, they see a lighted cottage; they look inside and see four robbers enjoying their ill-gotten gains. Standing on each other’s backs, they decide to perform for the men in hope of gaining food. Their ‘music’ has an unanticipated effect; the men run for their lives, not knowing what the strange sound is. The animals take possession of the house, eat a good meal, and settle in for the evening. Later that night, the robbers return and send one of their members in to investigate. He sees the Cat’s eyes shining in the darkness and the robber thinks he is seeing the coals of the fire. He reaches over to light his candle. Things happen in quick succession; the Cat scratches his face with her claws, the Dog bites him on the leg, the Donkey kicks him with his hooves, and the Rooster crows and chases him out the door, screaming. He tells his companions that he was beset by a horrible witch who scratched him with her long fingernails (the Cat), an ogre with a knife (the Dog), a giant who had hit him with his club (the Donkey), and worst of all, the judge who screamed in his voice from the rooftop (the Rooster). The robbers abandon the cottage to the strange creatures who have taken it, where the animals live happily for the rest of their days.

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Pinocchio este simbolul animației de păpuși, arhetipul însuflețirii inertului. Pinocchio este prototipul copilului din orice timpuri, aplecat spre joc, cu o atenție limitată și cu dorința de rezultate imediate. Pinocchio întruchipează visul și coșmarul oricărui părinte. În această versiune, animaţia digitală ocupă un loc important, împletindu-se cu jocul la vedere al actorilor, cu păpuşile mari, cu măştile şi costumele  extrem de sugestive. Fiecare personaj important are un fragment muzical descriptiv.

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motanul 3 e1464291172118

Puss In Boots

The performance faithfully tells the funny and humorous events experienced by the youngest son, wronged by fate and his prodigious tomcat, on their road to wealth and happiness. Hand puppets and large puppets, masks, pantomime, music, interactive dialogue between stage and audience – encourage us to escape into the world of Charles Perrault’s story.

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albacazapada 08

Snow White

It is one of the most loved stories for kids and it has a lot of versions in Europe. But the most popular of them all is the one from Grimm Brothers. The show made by Țăndărică Theatre keeps the classic story line, but the ingenuity of the director and the scenographic fantasy, the usage of black light technique, the presence of big sized puppets along the actors at sight gives a special charm and creates an atmosphere full of rhythm where good always defeats evil.

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