Directed by: Ivica Šimić
Script: Ivica Šimić
Scenography: Ivica Šimić
Stage design assistant: Emilia Furdui
Musical illustration and light design: Ivica Šimić
Choreography: Violeta Dincă
Photo: Andrei Rosianu
Audience: 3+, non verbal
Duration: 40 min
Cast: Olga Bela/ Ana Maria Bălescu, Dan Codreanu/Adrian Alexandru Neculcea
An almost empty stage, with a cube in the center of it and a frame which symbolizes a whole universe. Two pannels will cach life and two actors. The show is a metaphor „drawn” by steady lines about the art of falling, the abilities to fly and the capacity of humans to overcome the dificulties of life, about the importance to have a supportive friend. The play invetigates the problem of gravity a it’s force involved in the daily life, the illusions and dissapointments of human beings. The communication with the public is direct, with simple means, through dance, movement, music, clownery and a little acrobatisc, like a child play with a lot of humor. The message ist o overcome the obstacles of life to be able to reach our dreams, to meet new people, to have friends, to know when to say goodbye and to help people in need.